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Search Intent - How to Improve Your SEO 

As search engines become more advanced, so does their ability to understand user queries and serve relevant results. Once keyword density was the key factor in determining a website’s rank for a given search term. Today, things are much more nuanced. Google, for example, understands that users might search for “blue shoes” from their desktop or mobile browser on Saturday morning while they’re cooking or drinking coffee – not necessarily at their computer. This means that it is no longer the quantity of keywords you use in your blog posts that matters but their quality and relevance. In this post we will explore how company websites need to adapt to these new SEO standards with what we call “search intent” research and content creation. If you have been reading our blog recently, you might know that we have previously covered this topic in another article under the name of “UX vs SEO” - It's All About User Intent!

What is Search Intent?

Search intent refers to the intention behind a search query. We have all searched for something online at some point in our lives. Take a moment to think of the last time you typed a keyword into a search engine. What was the intention behind your search? What was the question you were trying to answer? What was the product or service you were seeking to find? What do these questions have in common? They all represent search intent. We make thousands of searches every year, many of which are for products or services that we need right away. Other searches are for informational purposes, such as learning about a medical condition or finding the best deal on a holiday. Search intent is a critical factor in understanding how users interact with search engines. The more you know about the intentions behind your audience’s searches, the easier it will be to create content that perfectly matches their needs and encourages them to take action.

How to Find Search Data

Search engine data is one of the biggest indicators of what your customers are looking for. Understanding search intent can help you create more targeted and effective content that satisfies your readers and allows you to rank higher in SERPs. Here are a few ways to find search intent: - Audience research - The most obvious way to find search intent is by researching what your audience is interested in. You can do this through surveys and polls, or by observing what kinds of questions your readers ask. - Keyword research - Another obvious way to find search intent is by doing keyword research. This will allow you to see how many people are searching for certain terms and what their intentions are behind those searches. - Using your own search history - The search history on your own computer or device can be a great way to find out what your customers are looking for. If you notice that you keep searching for the same terms over and over, it’s a good indication of something you might want to write about.

How to Use Intent Research in SEO

What does it mean to use search intent research in SEO? It means using the information you’ve gathered about the intentions of your customers’ searches to write more targeted content. After you’ve gathered search data, you can use it to inform your strategic content creation process. Ideally, you will create a content calendar and select topics you want to write about based on search data. Search data can help you write better content for your website in two ways: - Create more targeted content - When you know what terms your audience is searching for, it’s easier to write content that directly answers those questions. This is particularly helpful for longer-form content like blog posts and eBooks, where you have the opportunity to go into greater detail. - Identify gaps in your content strategy - While the content you create is meant to meet your customers’ needs, it’s also important to look at the bigger picture. Search data can help you identify gaps in your content strategy, such as a lack of educational content or a lack of content targeted to certain customer segments.

Use Case: Leveraging Search Intent With Content Marketing

Let's take a look at how a fitness brand can use search intent research in their content marketing strategy. Let’s say that their fitness website is mainly focused on selling exercise equipment and gym memberships. By conducting a few searches on their website and noting the search terms that bring visitors to their site, they are able to come up with a list of topics for content creation. Now, let’s say this fitness brand wants to write better content for their website. They can use the data from their search logs to inform their content creation process. For example, they might decide to create content that directly answers the following questions: - What is the best fitness equipment? - What is the best gym to join? - What are the best exercises for beginners? - What is the best protein powder?


The key to better SEO is understanding your audience’s search intent. Using the data from your search logs, you can create more targeted content that better meets your readers’ needs. This will help you create more engaging content and boost your rankings in SERPs. To create better SEO, use search intent to inform your content strategy. Create more targeted content that directly answers your readers’ questions, and you’ll see a boost in your traffic and conversion rates.



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