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February 07.2022
2 Minutes Read

SEO - 5 Key Stats You Need to Know as a Small Business Owner

Imagine seeing SEO (search engine optimization) create more profit for small businesses speaks for itself, but it’s important to understand exactly why SEO works. These five statistics paint a picture of why SEO has become increasingly widespread in even the most basic of marketing strategies.

45% of small businesses don’t have a website

Even in this digital age where the first place people look for information is an online search engine, whether that's Google, Bing, YouTube, or Yelp to name a few, almost half of small businesses don’t have a website. Word-of-mouth is one of the most common ways that customers relearn about a small business. However, even if the 45% of “website-less” businesses rely purely on word-of-mouth, they are missing out on a massive amount of referrals from online search engines like Google. Lost sales for them, but a fantastic opportunity for you to compete, if you take action.

53% of shoppers always do research before they buy to make the best choice

Information about a company, product, or service is only a quick Google search away. People want to learn more before buying through websites, reviews, images and competitors. Without clear online visibility, you’re leaving a hole of knowledge that may push customers elsewhere.

The most used channels for research before making an online purchase include website (74%), email (43%), social media (38%) and retailer’s mobile apps (36%)

Regardless of what generation your customers represent, this statistic proves that an optimized website is a must. Even if your product sells through a third-party platform, such as Amazon, nearly three-fourths of buyers will go hunting after more information on your company website.

The 1st result in Google’s organic search results has an average click-through-rate of 31.7%

Almost one-third of people who search on Google will click on the first result.

And, the chances of your website getting seen after that fall a staggering amount. In fact, only 0.78% of Google searchers clicked on something from the second page. Third page? Forget it.

46% of all searches on Google are seeking local information

Local customers are out there and not all of them will talk to a neighbor for recommendations. If half of Google searches are for local businesses, you need to make yourself visible.

97% of people learn more about a local company via the internet

Yes, word-of-mouth isn’t everything! A digital presence is just as important, and that starts with small business SEO.



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